
Something early! And old.

I have an old game that I think is decent enough to share. And it means other people can play one of my games a little early! I had to touch it up a bit. My standards and understanding have both improved (or at least changed) since 2005 or whenever I made the game. The manual was awful, so I completely rewrote that.

The game is a bizzare game based around gravity and far removed control.

Here it is: Sun on a Stick.

Hmm... I think I need a new place to put my files. Downloading asks for a wait of a few seconds.


Hmmm... what next?

Well, I finished The Underground (the version for GammaIV anyway. I plan on releasing a slightly different version after the event). I actually did so a while ago now, but I didn't say anything because I wasn't going to let anyone play yet.

And no one reads the blog yet. I think I shouldn't advertise this blog till I actually get something for people to play.

I wonder what I should do next. I have a number of ideas, but a competition with guidelines seems to be a good way of getting me to settle on something. Until I find one, though, I will probably experiment till I find something I like. Or maybe I'll find a small group of enthusiastic testers in close proximity to help me test the multiplayer on my samurai game. Or maybe I'll make a nice graphic for the top of this blog. Make it more professional.

The Underground - GammaIV version finished. Full version to come.